With the new school year approaching and AP Research plans brewing, two AP Capstone students share their unique research projects.
Connor Ellerbee’s project is a film analysis that seeks to measure the extent to which Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's 5 Stages of Grief is presented in Marvel's WandaVision.
He chose this project because he loves all Marvel films and WandaVision is one of his favorites. Connor wanted to get a more scholarly perspective on the films.
Connor said, “My favorite part of the research project has been watching WandaVision and documenting each portal of the 5 Stages of Grief.”
Another AP Capstone Senior, Sydney Tipton, is doing a project that analyzes the literary allusions within the lyrics of five of Taylor Swift’s songs.
Sydney explained that she chose her project because, “I was interested in the literary references, and I love Swift’s songs!”
Other interesting projects include a study on if Georgia's lottery numbers are truly random, Parkinson's disease and the freezing of gait and yoga, a study on college football players who have entered the transfer portal, Elon Musk's tweets and stock prices of Tesla, and a project on the Boondocks.
"My favorite part of the research project is the support and encouragement by peers and classmates!" Sydney Tipton concluded.