The Columbus High Cross Country team is doing outstanding this season- placing top three in all the meets they have attended so far.
The team consists of thirty-nine runners; nine of them being seniors.

There is a good mix of those that have previously been on the team as well as newcomers. The coach states that this is great when the team is looking to build and develop for the future.
“It is important to have the veterans so that traditions can be carried on,” asserts McCoy.
The team has two upcoming meets; October 9th and October 12th.
The meet on October 9th will be the last invitational of the season and will take place at Smith Station.
On October 12th, the following seniors will be recognized for Senior Night: Meghan Koh, Tru Marsh, Sydney Tipton, Hugh Carney, Owen Hartshorn, Oscar Jackson, Kaysen Reynolds, Zach Dennis, and Hunter Willis.
The members of the team say that running for Cross Country can be a challenge due to the mentality that is needed in order to cross the finish line.

“ A lot of people are the most successful on the team when they are really having fun and enjoying themselves,” remarks Marsh, “but are also willing to [push] themselves and [put] in the and hard work”