The Diversity Club at Columbus High School has been making noise as school comes back. September 15th through October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month. There has been a increase in the club's attendance as students are excited to celebrate the diversity in the world and learn about other people's cultures.
“We would like to continue sharing students' stories of their culture through daily announcement slides, bulletin boards, and flyers, but hope to have more activities if possible with COVID-19 restrictions” says Mrs. Williamson who co-sponsors the club with Mrs. Jenkins.
In the school library, there is also a display representing Hispanic voices in characters and in authors. Dr. Scott along with the Diversity Club worked together to choose different books to display Hispanic and LatinX voices. A bulletin board dedicated to the event shows facts about the community as well as renderings of different countries flags done by many of the students in the club.
Final words from Mrs. Williamson are “Anyone can join! We are looking for those that are willing to help, so students who join will be required to help with projects in some way, but anyone who can contribute is welcome to come. Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 5, and we will meet on the first Tuesday of every month.”