Eli Hardegree is a young man of many strengths. These strengths vary from his social skills, empathy, and his passion for others- to his devotion to Christ and love for baseball.
Many students struggled through virtual schooling. Eli, being one of those students, took this as an opportunity to grow his connection with Christ.

During virtual school in the 2020-2021 school year, he learned what it meant to truly be devoted to Christ. Virtual school can really take a toll on a student's mental health but what the student does about it- is what matters.
This senior at Columbus High School turned this tough experience into something positive; benefiting himself in countless ways.
“During virtual school, I learned that being devoted to Christ was more than just going to church,” said Hardegree.
Hardegree has more strengths than just his devotion to Christ and his empathy and passion towards others- he also has a love for baseball.
His love for baseball began when he watched the movie ‘ The Sandlot’.
“In the movie, I could see the pure joy in their eyes as they played the games and how they built their friendships, so I wanted something like that," remarked Hardegree.
Furthermore, Hardegree has always been the student to express his compassion for others, on and off the field.
Hardegree explained how sometimes his compassion for others can also overshadow his personal needs, making it difficult to make the most logical decision for himself.
“...It can also be one of my weaknesses," stated Hardegree.
Although this outstanding student will be graduating this year- he has brought a great deal to Columbus High School the past four years.