Columbus High hosts the 2022 art show in the Media Center for the whole month of March.
1st: Emory Bryant “Metamorphosis”
2nd: Jason Rother “Pandamonium”
3rd: Madison Greenwood “A Walk Through Time”
1st: Aaliyah Horne “Myself”
2nd: Mishkat Khan “Welcoming the New Human”
3rd : Stacey Smith “All Eyes on Me”
1st: Jason Rother “The Great Divide”
2nd: Alexandria Gifford “ Nomophobia”
3rd: Abbey Haines “Memento Mon“
1st: Madison Greenwood “Burning Thoughts”
2nd: Aniya Sewell “Portals”
3rd: Lilly Twigg “Sunrise”

The Best in Show goes to Stacey Smith “The Art of Medicine."
Honorable Mentions go to Kendall Anderson "Up," Emory Bryant "Sunday Evening Drive," Kendall Anderson ”Family," Hannah Rosenstrauch “Rosenstrauch," and Riley Mullen “Curly Teapot."