Columbus High School offers over 30 AP classes that students are able to take. AP Environmental Science is one of those 30 and is the perfect class if you love the Earth.
According to the College Board website, in AP Environmental Science you will, “explore and investigate the interrelationships of the natural world and analyze environmental problems, both natural and human-made.”
AP Environmental Science teacher, Mrs.McConnell, says that AP Environmental Science is great for “anybody who is passionate about the environment,” or “somebody who wants to get a more well-rounded view.”
CHS Senior, Carly Smith, says that AP Environmental Science, “Was one of my favorite classes I’ve taken. It was really interesting and the labs were really fun.”
“The big overall theme of the course is sustainability,” says McConnell, “it’s not about solving every problem today, its about finding ways to slowly make better choices.”
“Environmental Science mainly focuses on the gases in the air and cause and effect, unlike other classes like AP World History,” says CHS Junior Haylee Bui.
McConnell says that AP Environmental Science is one of the easier AP Science courses offered, and the course is “pretty transparent” and “doesn’t have a lot of hidden anything in it.”
Even if you are not interested in a career in Environmental Studies, the course is still beneficial to normal life, says McConnell. “If you want the planet to last we have to work on things like sustainability, and how can we make better choices.”
“ (AP Environmental Science) gave me a different perspective on the environment,” says Smith; “I see the class in real life all the time.”
With the interest in Environmental Science increasingly growing, Columbus High also offers a club known as Envirothon, sponsored by Mr.Pearce.
“There are many great futures for environmental scientists that are increasingly relevant due to the environmental crisis the world is and has been facing, and will continue to face,” says Pearce.
“If you want the planet to last we have to work on things like sustainability and making better choices,” says McConnell; and AP Environmental Science teaches just that.