Columbus High School faculty and students welcome new Geometry teacher, Steve Meredith.
Steve Meredith joined the Blue Devils after the beloved, Donna Fleming, retired.

Prior to coming to Columbus High School, Meredith taught at Beauregard and Auburn. He eventually retired from teaching in Alabama and moved to Georgia to teach at Lagrange High School and now- Columbus High.
Meredith has been teaching for almost twenty-nine years.
He was in his third year of college at Auburn University when he realized he wanted to be a teacher.
“I was good at math and I loved football. So, I decided that I would teach math and coach.”
Meredith coached for twelve years until he eventually set aside coaching football to better focus on teaching math.
Outside of math class, Meredith enjoys many things, such as spending time with family at home, on the lake, or at church, and even hunting.
“I’m a big hunter. During hunting season, I spend most of my spare time in the woods.”
Meredith is exhilarated to join the Columbus High Blue Devils.
“I am very excited about teaching this year. I am enjoying getting to know my students and coworkers.”, Steve Meredith exclaims, “CHS has a wonderful atmosphere, and I am excited to be a part of it.”